In this blog post I am summarize the Twitterives that were presented today in class.

Alissa Francisco: Alissa’s Twitterive revolved around her love for softball and her decision to not play anymore. Her Twitterive was filled with pictures, definitions, journal entries, and some other genres. I personally liked the fact that she had the definitions in her Twitterive. To me, it made her feelings feel even stronger. The class suggested that she end on a stronger not a leave out the “Everything Happens For A Reason” quote. I believe this was a good suggestion.

David Reyes: After some discussion, the class came to realize that David’s Twitterive was about his “madness” when he writes. I liked the idea of his Twitterive layout being chaotic because it shows the madness within himself when he writes. However, as a class, we decided that the layout should be a little easier to follow. We suggested that he used two columns in his layout.

Christie Johnson: Christie’s place, for her Twitterive, is the Outer Banks. I really liked the way that she used the pictures and videosto describe her place. I think it really showed her relationship with the Outer Banks. She was concerned that there weren’t enough words in her Twitterive, but I believe the pictures and videos worked very well.

Rebecca Crawford: Rebecca’s place is the summer of 2012. She discusses the upcoming events that will take place during this summer. Her intent for the Twitterive was to discuss the past, present, and the future. I liked her Twitterive; she gave a lot of detail. However, the class decided that we weren’t too sure about the layout. This should be an easy fix once she figures out how she wants her Twitterive to be read.